Monday, March 17, 2008

So B. It

Weeks, Sarah. 2004. SO B. IT. New York: Laura Geringer Books. ISBN 9780064410471

Told as reminiscent story of her first thirteen years of life, SO B. IT is a tale of family, friendship, devotion, and growing up as Heidi and a beloved neighbor struggle to raise Heidi’s mentally disabled mother, So B. It. With no knowledge of her past, a newly discovered set of pictures from a Christmas party in her mother’s past, and her mother’s spoken word “soof”, Heidi is compelled to search for the answers to all of her questions about her history. After traveling across the country, will Heidi find the answers for which she is looking and will the answers be worth what she misses back at home? Weeks creates believable characters that the reader will connect with easily and want to know “what happens next?” even after the story ends. The problems facing Heidi become so real that the reader will be moved to tears as the “mystery” is unfolded.

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